Report target

Automated Exploratory Analysis (auto EDA) using the report() function of the explore package.

In this example we use synthetic data created by the create_data_churn()function of the explore package.

data <- create_data_churn()

Then we generate the report.

data %>% report(target = churn, output_dir = tempdir())


Describe Data

#> 1 000 (1k) observations with 9 variables
#> 0 observations containing missings (NA)
#> 0 variables containing missings (NA)
#> 0 variables with no variance
#> # A tibble: 9 × 8
#>   variable   type     na na_pct unique   min  mean   max
#>   <chr>      <chr> <int>  <dbl>  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 price      dbl       0      0     26     4 19.1     29
#> 2 type       chr       0      0      3    NA NA       NA
#> 3 usage      dbl       0      0    160     0 54.7    150
#> 4 shared     int       0      0      2     0  0.4      1
#> 5 device     chr       0      0      3    NA NA       NA
#> 6 newsletter int       0      0      2     0  0.5      1
#> 7 language   chr       0      0      4    NA NA       NA
#> 8 duration   int       0      0    101     0 49.6    100
#> 9 churn      dbl       0      0      2     0  0.35     1

Describe Target

Explore Variables